Wild Revival Garden & Home

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Easy Linen Closet Organizers

We are working our way through the KonMari process. Are you on this journey, too? Maybe you have done it before. It is exhausting! But it is great, too. And there is joy! This weekend my joy came in the form of my linen closets.

Yes, I know. Linen closets.

We KonMari’d the sheets and towels, but we have little, slightly awkward linen closets. Don’t get me wrong: we have more storage space than EVER before. We just needed to tweak it. So Romano and I designed this nifty DIY linen closet storage system that is cheap, easy, and doesn’t require screws or nails — so it is perfect for renters, too.

So, today my linen closets look like this…

Seriously! Did you hear the angels sing when you looked? They do — every time I open the door!

This video shows how easy these dividers are to install:

And I have all of the details about how to make them at the link below. You could use the same idea to organize clothes, towels… anything you need to corral.

See this link in the original post

Hope you are having a great day!
