Wild Revival Garden & Home

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Welcome, November!

The leaves on the Amelanchier canadensis in the Wildlife Garden are glorious!

Well, here we are in the penultimate month of the year. I’m not sure about you, but I’m not ready for this yet. I have enjoyed our long, warm fall — even if it meant more work outside than previous years. That work also meant more flowers and more beauty — and I’ll take that once in a while.

We didn’t have frost until last week — a month later than average. So last Tuesday night, my son and I scurried around at dusk cutting all of the dahlias and roses and other blooms anticipating the cold to come. We cut three full trugs of flowers and arranged them into bouquets for neighbors and teachers and friends — and still our house is full of blooms, too.

Dahlias and roses from what I call “The Big Cut” — the last cutting of the year. 

I added an October garden tour — filmed not long before our first frost. So you can see what’s going on in the garden, and get a peek at how it looks during a long fall.

Of course there are jobs to be done in the garden in the coming month, and we are moving into a busy season of holidays and celebrations, family and friends. I have multiple resources that may help at this time of year — simplifying and taking the pressure off, too.

The first is my Christmas planner — The Nice List. I think of this as my love-letter to the holiday season, and if you celebrate Christmas but sometimes find this time of year to be overwhelming, this planner is intended to help you reign it all in and make a fresh start. The Nice List includes budgeting tools, calendars, gift planners, journaling, and so much more. It’s available in my shop, and there’s a page below with all of the details about The Nice List, too. It’s economical and so easy to use!

See this content in the original post

And while Christmas is coming, for those of us who celebrate it, Thanksgiving is first. I also have a guide to Fall Decorating which is great for the Thanksgiving season with ideas that will transform any table into something special. And don’t forget to check out my seasonal book list for the children who might gather around your table this year. There are so many beautiful books for this season!

See this content in the original post

And as we are thinking about giving thanks, I want to give thanks for you! I appreciate your loyalty, your questions, your participation, and your enthusiasm. As I take on project upon project, I know there are so many of you out there who support what we do through. And I am so thankful!

Big changes are coming soon to Mid Modern Mama. I’ve been working all fall to get the scaffolding in place, and I’m excited about what is ahead. More will be revealed soon, and I can’t wait to share it with you!

Wishing you all the best this month!


Wondering where to find me? Here’s the breakdown:


  • Stories: daily project updates

  • Reels & Posts: a few times per week, bigger project updates and lots of gardening education

  • Highlights: plant and product recommendations, project updates collected in one place

YouTube: I am hanging out here a lot more of late!

  • Longform Videos: monthly Gardening Checklists, gardening education, big project recaps

  • Shortform Videos: a few times per week, bigger project updates and lots of gardening education

Blog and Website: you are HERE!

  • Pages: big project recaps, how-to projects, reviews, and idea lists; use the search and the top navigation to find all kinds of goodies!

  • Blog: monthly updates with links to new content

  • ORC blog: weekly updates when a project is underway