A Wild December Update

Dear Friends,

I am not sure how it is possibly December already, but here we are! And our house is more than a little chaotic at the moment. More on that in a moment. But first, if you are in the need of some Christmas projects, gift ideas, inspiration, and more, head on over to what we could call Christmas Central! It’s all there waiting for you! Just click the link here:

Ok. Now the chaos… As I’ve told you before, we are in the restoration process after a pipe burst in September flooding the entire downstairs. And if you’ve been around awhile, you may ask, “Again?” Yes. Again. This time it wasn’t sewage. Just a LOT of water. Like a LOT.

But the good news is that we should be able to move back downstairs this weekend! I am trying to look at it as an opportunity to touch everything in my office and the guest room before it gets put away — and to get rid of things that don’t spark joy any more. Plus the unfinished laundry room project should actually get finished! Lemonade from lemons, right?

However at the moment my house is anything but festive. Frankly, it is horrid. We moved most of our stuff into a storage container which is on the driveway, but the entire dining room is stuffed with items that I needed for work or that couldn’t sit in the cold for an indeterminate period of time. The art room has become my temporary office. And the whole house is dusty and dirty from construction work. I am really, really tired of construction.

All of that sounds a bit bah humbug! And, frankly, there is more.

If you have been looking for things on my website of late, you may notice that it looks a little — strange. I did an upgrade to Mid Modern Mama which went sideways REALLY fast. With one press of a button, almost every link broke. And I lost all kinds of formatting and SEO — honestly, it is a sh*!show around here. And for that I am so sorry! I have spent the last month working to sort it out.

The lemonade in all of this: once I am done, every page will be better, and I have a mile-long list of places for improvement.

But again… it’s a hot mess!

So I come to you with a favor to ask…

I make money from this business in a variety of ways: I have a shop filled with journals and books and other items for sale. I work with companies to create content for social media. I do freelance writing and web design. And I earn a small amount of income from affiliate links. What are affiliate links? Well, when you click a link to certain products on my website, it doesn’t cost you an extra penny, but I earn a small commission from the sale. With all of the broken links on my website right now, my affiliate sales are tanking.

So here’s how you can help:

If you will be shopping at any of these retailers — including Amazon, Epic Gardening, Etsy, and HoseLink —this season, just click on the links below, and then shop to your heart’s content. You might find something you love, but you can even buy toilet paper at Amazon — it doesn’t matter what you buy! Shopping through my storefronts and my giving guides will also give my affiliate sales a little boost. And of course, consider shopping in my own store, too!

If you need gift ideas, be sure to check out all of my giving guides — ideas for everyone on your list! And yes, those are all affiliate links, too!

Click the banner above to check out all of the giving guides!

I hope all of these resources are helpful as you journey through December and all of the festivities therein. No matter what you celebrate at this time of year, I wish you all of the merriest celebrations and the joy of the season!

Love and joy!

Wondering where to find me? Here’s the breakdown:


  • Stories: daily project updates

  • Reels & Posts: a few times per week, bigger project updates and lots of gardening education

  • Highlights: plant and product recommendations, project updates collected in one place

YouTube: I am hanging out here a lot more of late!

  • Longform Videos: monthly Gardening Checklists, gardening education, big project recaps

  • Shortform Videos: a few times per week, bigger project updates and lots of gardening education

Blog and Website: you are HERE!

  • Pages: big project recaps, how-to projects, reviews, and idea lists; use the search and the top navigation to find all kinds of goodies!

  • Blog: monthly updates with links to new content

  • ORC blog: weekly updates when a project is underway


January | Firewise Gardening


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