Wild Revival Garden & Home

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A Spring Cutting Garden Grow Along!

Happy February, Friends!

As I write this, the snow is melting from last weekend, but it is clearly still covering the ground and there is a decided chill in the air. I discovered today that voles have been at work in The Orchard and ate the entire root system of one of my apple trees, so I have to think about that unfortunate situation! But aside from that unpleasant discovery, all is well here.

I held off on my monthly update, because I had a very fun announcement to make: I am doing a Cutting Garden Grow Along with my partner, Botanical Interests! If you have ever wished you could have a cutting garden, let’s start one together!

All of the details can be found in this blog post:

And the seed list is available here:

A cutting garden can be any size, and I chose seeds which will work in most zones. There are flowers for every climate, but choose what you like to grow. And choose what will work where you are, too!

I will be posting all kinds of content both on Instagram and on YouTube for the Grow Along, and I’ll post updates here as well. Be sure to subscribe and follow on Instagram and YouTube to stay up to date!

If you have questions about the Grow Along, don’t hesitate to ask!

And here’s your February Gardening Checklist, too!