Wild Revival Garden & Home

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May I Bend Your Ear?

My gracious! It’s been quite the month!

First things first: the ORC is just not happening. There’s still time to get it done, but we have too many projects happening consecutively AND it is Maycemeber — if you have kids in school, you know what THAT means! So, the laundry room is partially done and is very much on hold.

Yes, I’m loving having countertop in my entryway, thanks for asking!

But what am I doing?

Well, let’s talk about it!

To begin, we are just a few weeks away from the one-year anniversary of the Wildlife Garden project, and I am taking stock of this big project with all kinds of content coming including plant lists, planting instructions, and a whole lot more! So stay tuned!

Additionally, we are getting ready for a HUGE backyard project — the last piece in our master plan. I’ll be unrolling this on Instagram, so be sure you’re following me there for all of the details!

And then there’s all of the busyness of gardening in May! That’s one of the things about gardening in Colorado — there is a lot of hurry-up-and-wait-now- GO! With late spring snowstorms and freezes, it feels like May is an absolute avalanche of gardening work!

So there we are!

Wondering where to find me? Here’s the breakdown:


  • Stories: daily project updates

  • Reels & Posts: a few times per week, bigger project updates and lots of gardening education

  • Highlights: plant and product recommendations, project updates collected in one place

YouTube: I am hanging out here a lot more of late!

  • Longform Videos: monthly Gardening Checklists, gardening education, big project recaps

  • Shortform Videos: a few times per week, bigger project updates and lots of gardening education

Blog and Website: you are HERE!

  • Pages: big project recaps, how-to projects, reviews, and idea lists; use the search and the top navigation to find all kinds of goodies!

  • Blog: monthly updates with links to new content

  • ORC blog: weekly updates when a project is underway

As always, I welcome questions and queries, and I’m so thankful for your ongoing love and support! Happy spring!!
