Wild Revival Garden & Home

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Week One | April 3 | Laundry Room Makeover

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For the Spring 2024 One Room Challenge we are tackling our Laundry Room — it’s tiny and sad and needs help!

Be sure to check in on all of the other ORC projects on the ORC blog here.

The LAundry Room: Before

Here we are again: the One Room Challenge. And this time we are taking on a room I use every single day. Calling it a “room” is rather misleading, though. It’s really a wide spot in a hallway. But nonetheless, our Laundry Room is getting its own ORC treatment for this round.

Let’s take a look at some before photos:

It’s small and centralized.

So, you can see the laundry room is little more than a wide spot in a hallway — tucked under the stairs. It’s right outside my office, the guest room, and our guest bathroom — all of which have gotten the ORC treatment in the past. The carpeting is new courtesy of Poopapalooza II: the Revenge of the Sewer.

And a few years ago, I gave this whole area a mini-makeover. It was neat and tidy! But after the bathroom fiascos and construction dust, contractors, and mess — well, it needs help again. I’ve also shifted a few things to this area for storage, and now I need to come up with real storage options.

Quite attractive, don’t you think!

The sloping ceiling makes storage a bit of a challenge, but as I said before, this is tucked under the stairs, so there’s nothing to be done about that. And washing machines have gotten bigger since this house was built in 1958, so this area is a little undersized for the machines. But it’s what we have to work with. I can’t create more space here, so I just need to use this space as efficiently as possible.

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The Project Goals

I have several goals for this project — all with a goal to make this more functional AND more attractive.

  1. Creating better, more usable storage spaces both above and around the washer and dryer.

  2. Installing a countertop to create a more usable work surface — and prevent things from falling behind the machines.

  3. Cleaning and revamping the hall cupboards and linen closet to create better usable space.

  4. Installing a laundry chute for dirty laundry from the second floor.

  5. Adding color and texture tying the Laundry Room into the surrounding spaces using leftover tile and/or wallpaper and other items.

  6. Sorting and evaluating all Laundry Room items using the KonMari method.

  7. Adding an area for hanging clothes to dry.

Some of these goals are more achievable than others, and next week I will lay out the plans for it all.

This is the smallest ORC project I have ever taken on, but it will have a huge impact for me. I am the person who does most of the laundry since it is right outside my office door. I keep laundry going all day as needed, and having a neat and tidy place to do it will make all the difference in the end. I can’t wait!

Here’s a peek into my inspiration:

Gardening News

I’ll also be busy in the garden, so a small-ish ORC project was exactly what I needed for this round. Here’s your April Gardening Checklist!

Your April Gardening Checklist is here!

And it’s not too late to join the Cutting Garden Grow Along! Most of the action for the Grow Along is over on Instagram and YouTube, but here is a summary which will get you started:

Ok. I’m off to get to work! Here’s to great fun and getting good work done, too!

Have a great week!

Thanks to my sponsors

Interested in being a sponsor for a future project? Let me know!

Don’t miss a single update!

Sign up and each installment of the One Room Challenge will come directly to your email on Thursdays! And be sure to stop by the One Room Challenge Blog to check out the other creative renovations happening across the country. You can also follow #oneroomchallenge and #orcat on Instagram for more inspiration! Be sure to follow me as well!

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