Wild Revival Garden & Home

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Week Three | October 12 | Mid Modern Bathroom

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For the Fall 2022 One Room Challenge we are taking our guest bathroom down to the studs and starting over. This project is LONG overdue, and we can’t wait to get started!

Be sure to check in on all of the other ORC projects on the ORC blog here.

Ok. So it’s been eventful around here! The tub is almost completely done. Wahoo! All told I have spent more than 30 hours on it thus far. Yikes. But it looks fantastic! I still need to get the small rust stains out of the finish, clean it really well, and then apply a clear finish. I should get all of this done in the next day or so, and then the tub will be done.

I am so very, very pleased, and it sets the tone for the entire room. That green is gorgeous! I will be writing up a complete how-to guide for this process in the future. If you have a vintage tub, stay tuned!

Fun fact: my BFF who lives in Philly sent me a photo of her tub — it’s the same one! Just a different color!

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The bathtub — nearly finished! I love celadon green tubs!

However, we also have Covid in our house right now, so I had to cancel the contractors until everyone is well. Ugh. But it could be soooo much worse. People: get vaccinated and boosted! We are, and it makes all the difference.

Ok. PSA is over.

Between caring for my sick family and the household juggling act, I am making the last of the material choices for this bathroom.

Mirror: I found a fabulous mirror on the Facebook Marketplace. Someone bought it from Rejuvenation (my favorite place!), but it didn’t fit in their house. It was a steal, and I love that it pivots, too. That’s what I love about FBMP — if you haunt it long enough, you can often find exactly what you need. It just doesn’t always deliver on a deadline.

Wallpaper: I’ve also been looking at wallpaper samples from A Street Prints. They are one of my sponsors for this project. More about them below, but here are some of the patterns I’ve been considering. It’s really hard to choose!

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This mirror from Rejuvenation had never even been installed. It is PERFECT for this bathroom!

Faucets, etc: the bathroom fittings have all arrived from Speakman. Hopefully the plumber will be able to come at the end of the week to get everything installed — and then we will be back on track.

Tile: the big news this week was the arrival of the tile from Modwalls. I’m so excited to get this installed! It is absolutely gorgeous! Check it out:

Even in a week of a sick family, a lot is happening around here!

And Now a Word about Our Sponsors…

This week I’m excited to introduce you to two more sponsors for this project: Stray Dog Designs and A Street Prints.

Some of the wallpaper samples from A Street Prints. So many yummy designs to consider!

You might remember from my Workroom Makeover, I really love wallpaper. I mean, I really love it! And I’m so glad that the powers that be — including Vogue — have declared that wallpaper is back, because for me it never really went away.

So I’m really excited to introduce you to A Street Prints, a small-ish shop with gorgeous designs. I got a ton of samples from their collection, and not only was I impressed with the designs, but the paper feels good. And some of the samples I ordered from other companies just didn’t. Frankly, I don’t want my wallpaper to feel like a sticker on my wall! But maybe that’s just me…

Anyway, I’ve made my choice, and the order has been placed. When it arrives, I’ll show you what I chose. It’s bold and beautiful!

Speaking of bold, let’s talk about Stray Dog Designs! I have followed them on Instagram for years. Their whimsical light fixtures, mirrors, and accessories are unique, handmade, and so very colorful! I’m really excited to be including one of their pieces in this room. Everything they sell is handmade by artisans in Mexico — something which always appeals to me.

I chose their Dogwood Ceiling Light for the center of the room. This is a small bathroom, but this beautiful fixture will be a delightful punch of fun. I can’t wait for it to arrive!

The Dogwood Ceiling Light. LOVE!

Thanks to both Stray Dog Designs and A Street Prints for supporting this project. I’m so excited to pull this all together!

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To Linda Weinstein, the creator of the One Room Challenge, I offer my most sincere thanks. Thank you for offering this kind of opportunity and for opening it up to anyone. And to Apartment Therapy, the ORC media sponsor: thank you for making this possible! And to all of the other ORC participants: I’ll be sure to stop by to admire your work! It is always fun to do this together!

Be sure to follow along on Instagram for updates as the seasons change. And if you haven’t already, subscribe to my newsletter below so the weekly updates will pop right into your inbox.

Here’s to a week of work and progress! More next week!


Thanks to my sponsors for this project!

Interested in being a sponsor? Let me know!

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Sign up and each installment of the One Room Challenge will come directly to your email on Thursdays! And be sure to stop by the One Room Challenge Blog to check out the other creative renovations happening across the country. You can also follow #oneroomchallenge and #orcat on Instagram for more inspiration! Be sure to follow me as well!

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